
Dear friends of MKBC,


On behalf of the congregation of the Mount Kenya Baptist Church, welcome to our site. We are delighted to share with you some information about us and hope that you find it helpful. This church exists for the glory of God. We believe that we are made expressly to be in a relationship with Him and to recognize Jesus Christ of Nazareth as our Lord and Savior. We strive to bring God glory through singing and praying together, hearing His Word preached, loving Him, and loving one another.

We are an evangelical community of believers in a needy environment. Our setting has its problems and its opportunities. We cannot be sure what life in the future will bring to us as a church anymore than we know what tomorrow will bring to us as individuals.

We are nonetheless delighted at the spiritual health God has cultivated here and thankful that He continues to bring committed believers into our fold. It is a blessing to serve God in the mission field of Mount Kenya Baptist with these brothers and sisters of all ages, backgrounds, and occupations.

As a part of our mission, we would love to be of help to you. For that matter, we would also love for you to be of help to us, as we serve God with a Christ-centered focus. Whether it is Mount Kenya Baptist, or some place else, pray that God would show you where to commit yourself to His people in His service.

In Christ,

Onesimus  Kibera.

  1. We believe the Scriptures, both the Old and New Testaments, to be the verbally inspired Word of God; without error in the original writings, and that they are the only supreme and final authority in faith and life.
    2Peter 1:21; 2Timothy 3:16,17.
  2. We believe in one God, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Genesis 1:1; John 10:30; Matthew 28:19; Romans 8:9-11.
  3. We believe that Jesus Christ was begotten by the Holy Spirit, was born of a virgin, and that He is true God and true Man. Isaiah 7:14; Mathew 1:18-25; Colossians 2:9.
  4. We believe that man was created in the image of God, that he sinned and thereby incurred not only physical death but also spiritual death, which is separation from God, and that all human beings are born with a sinful nature and are therefore under just condemnation to eternal ruin without defense or excuse. Genesis 2:17; Psalm 51:5; 58:3; Romans 1:20; 5:12—21.
  5. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, as a representative and substitutionary sacrifice and that all who believe in Him are justified on the ground of His shed blood. Romans 5:8-9;1 Corinthians 15:1-4; 2 Corinthians 5:21; I Peter 1:18,19; 2:24.
  6. We believe in the bodily resurrection of our Lord, His bodily ascension into heaven and His bodily presence there for us as High Priest and Advocate. Acts I: 9-11; 1 Corinthians 15:1-4; Hebrews 7:25; 1 John 2:1,2.
  7. We believe in the imminent, bodily, premillennial return of Christ; that He will come first to take all believers out of the world; and that He will come to the earth later to reign for a thousand years. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; 1 Corinthians 15:51; Revelations 20:4.
  8. We believe that all who truly repent of their sins and believe on and receive, by faith, the Lord Jesus Christ are born again of the Holy Spirit and are thereby children of God and are eternally saved. John 3:3; 5:24; Galatians 3:24-26; 1 John 5:13.
  9. We believe that Satan is literal and personal, the agent of the fall, the prince and power of this world and that he shall be judged and eternally punished. Ephesians 2:1-4; Revelation 20:1-10; Acts 5:3; Genesis 3:14,15.
  10. We believe that every Christian is indwelt by the Holy Spirit at the very moment he believes in Christ for salvation, but that there is a definite need to be filled with the Holy Spirit, as a result of yielding completely to Him. Romans 8:9; Ephesians 1:13,14; 4:30; 5:18
  11. We believe in the bodily resurrection of the dead, both the just and the unjust, the eternal punishment of the lost, and the eternal joy of the saved, I Thessalonians 4:16-18; Revelation 20.
  12. We believe that immersion is the only mode of baptism taught in the Bible; that it has no saving power, and that the new birth (see # 8) is the requirement for baptism. Scriptural baptism shows our faith in the crucified, buried, and risen Savior, with its effect in our death to sin and resurrection to a new life. It is a prerequisite to the privilege of church membership, and the Lord’s Supper, in which the members of the church commemorate together the Lord’s death till He come. Acts 2:38; Romans 6:1-5; Acts 2:41,42; I Corinthians 11:23-28.
  13. We believe that the Bible teaches that the offices of Pastor and Deacon should be held by men only, Acts 6:3; I Timothy 2:12;3:1,2,12 .
  14. We believe that a New Testament church is a body of baptized believers,assembled for worship, service, and the spreading of the Gospel into all the world; that it is the highest organization taught in the Scriptures,

    and that therefore there is to be no denominational control over the local church. Christ is the Head! Matthew 28:19,20; Acts 1:8; I John 1:3.

  15. We believe that all the saved are called into a life of separation from all sinful practices. Romans 12:1,2; 1 John 2:15-17; Titus 2:12,13.

”If I were to look at what has made Mt.Kenya Baptist Church such an influential church in Kenya, at the top of the list would be a passion for reaching the lost with the Truth of God’s Word.”

We celebrated our 40 years of impact as MKBC on 25th August 2019. What achievement to  which we  give God all the glory! All Christians around the world are  called  to  faithfulness  and commitment to Jesus Christ. As Jesus prepared to ascend back  into  Heaven, He  gave  His disciples, His followers, one last command.  He told them to go with  His  power  and  authority into  all  the  world  to  “make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all  that  [He  had]  commanded [them]” (Matthew 28:18-19).

In this verse we are also called to make disciples. A disciple is a student, one who studies the commands of a teacher and then put them into practice. We make disciples by sharing the Gospel, the  Good  News  about  Jesus Christ. Jesus left heaven and was born a man. He lived a perfect life without sin, showing us how we were created to live. Then he gave  His  life  in  death  on  the cross  to  pay the  price of our sins. He rose again back to life, proving that He had the power to overcome sin and death. This is the foundation of what it means to be a Christian. A disciple is someone who chooses to accept these truths and follow the way of Jesus. Our mission at MKBC is  to  share  the  Gospel  with everyone  so  that  more  will become disciples as we have been commanded. When someone truly becomes a disciple, we then baptize them. This declares to the world that they are now a follower of Jesus and shows that they are now a part of the  Christian   community,  the church.   It  also   helps   them identify  with  the  death,  burial, and  resurrection  of  Jesus.  In Jesus’s death, the penalty of our sins was paid for. In His burial, we  see  that  His  death  was complete, and our sins were forgiven once and for all. In His resurrection, we know that death was defeated so that we can be made righteous again. We baptize in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit because God is one.

A person can be a disciple who is committed to the teachings and way of Jesus, but obedience is a whole  different    matter.  People often know the right thing to do but struggle to do it. Jesus said, “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments” (John14:15). After a person has given their life to Jesus and learning His commands and has joined the church in baptism, the final step is working together to help each other in daily obedience  to  all that Jesus commanded. We need accountability in this. We must teach each other to observe and obey Jesus’s commands, all of them. This is a summary of the truth found  in  God’s  Word.  We  are called as a church to bring this Gospel to lost and broken of the world.  So,  as  we  celebrate  40 years   of   MKBC,   we   are celebrating  40  years  of  lives being transformed in the power of the Gospel of Jesus. As we give God the glory for what He has done, may we continue this mission for another 40 years and beyond,  and  may  sharing  the Gospel always be at the center of all that we do. 

I’ve heard it said: “God had just one Son, and He sent him to be a Missionary! ” The word “missionary” simply means “one who is sent”. And, Jesus said: “As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.” (John 20:21) This call is meant for ALL believers in Christ.

But, it’s also obvious from Scripture that God gives special callings to some individuals to forsake the normal professions of life, and to commit to ‘full-time’ ministry of the Gospel. This calling was graciously given to Jerry and Sherry Daniels in 1967.

” I was pursuing a successful career in the US Air Force at that time. It was a difficult decision, but it was the right decision, to leave the Air Force, and enroll in Baptist Bible College in Springfield, Missouri. We were deeply influenced by other missionaries to Africa, notably the Late Elmer & Mary Deal, missionaries to Zaire/Congo for over 50 years, and Richard Jeanne Konnerup, missionaries to Ethiopia. It was Richard who encouraged us to consider the need for more Bible believing Baptist churches in Kenya. He had passed through from Ethiopia and was very impressed with the open hearts of the Kenyan people. After much prayer and research, we committed our lives to this calling.” Jerry Daniels, a missionary to Kenya.

Missions should be the heart beat of the Church, as well as the central passion of each individual believer! Missions is the spreading the Gospel message of salvation through the crucified and resurrected Christ, and establishing local churches where believers can worship together and be taught all things which Jesus has commanded.  (Matthew 28:19-20) Missions is the “the Great Commission” which Jesus gave his followers. Since we are all followers of Christ, this ought to be our burden too as Christians to bring people to light. Missions in essence is expanding God’s kingdom on this earth. Christ came from heaven to bring us the kingdom, taught us about the kingdom and  how we can enter it. Thereafter, we as Christians have a commission to make disciples.

In August of 1978, Jerry & Sherry Daniels, and 3 sons
(Russ, Timothy & Stephen) arrived in Nanyuki, feeling God’s definite leading to preach the Gospel and start a church in  Nanyuki  which was indeed, a relatively small, somewhat forgotten place of little significance.  But, the Holy Spirit’s urging upon our hearts was clear.

For 2 months the Daniels stayed in a temporary residence off Haile Selassie Road (the old Lewin house), where they started open air church services in the compound.  There was a young girl living next to that plot, who, many years later, told us that this was her earliest contact with the true Gospel.  Hellen Mbugua, her name, later came to know Christ as her Saviour and has been a faithful member of the Church which would eventually come out of those humble open-air prayer meetings, and would become teacher and dorm mother in the School, touching many, many lives for Christ!).

”We moved from the Lewin house to a rented a house along Haile Selassie Road (near the D.C.’s residence), and immediately started Sunday services under a tree in our compound near the main road.  Passersby were curious, for sure!  We attracted attention with my guitar, and our sons playing instruments and singing”.

As I recall, one of the early visitors was Michael Kaburu.  His family was farming a plot up in the forest, under an agro-foresty project.  The Daniels went to visit the family, and led Michael, and his wife, Beatrice to Christ.  In February 1979, they were baptized in the Nanyuki River, alongside  a few other new believers, at the place where William Holden Wildlife Centre now stands.

The new congregation of believers began meeting in the Garrison Primary School, and in August 1979, the congregation was officially organized and known  as “Mount Kenya Baptist Church”.

About that time a young man and wife, Benjamin and Jane Rono, moved to Nanyuki from Eldoret town to help the Church, as well as the new outreaches into remote areas of Laikipia District.  Brother Benjamin Rono was MKBC’s first Assistant pastor.

The Church moved to DEB Primary School in town in 1980.  Michael Kaburu was the first treasurer, and the first official student in what would become the Mt. Kenya Baptist Bible College.   Jerry Daniel’s sons were involved in the first Sunday School and Choir.  The small congregation grew, by God’s grace.

A young single man, Wilson Nderitu, a Baptist church member from Nyeri District, had been transferred to Nanyuki Posta, a Post Office. He resided close to the DEB School.  God led him to join our small church, where he found a spiritual home for over 38 years, found a wife, and became one of the Pastors of Mt. Kenya Baptist Church.  Eventually, God led him and and some of the members of MKBC to plant a new church on the other side of town ; Ichuga Bible Baptist Church – which eventually became Nanyuki Bible Baptist Church.

In June of 1983, Russ Daniels, a son of the Daniels, finished High School and came back to Kenya with the goal of starting a youth program.  In searching for a suitable venue, the Daniels discovered that the old “Nanyuki School Hostel,” along Kenyatta Drive, was for sale.  It seemed like an ideal place for establishing a youth center.  In just 3 months, God
miraculous provided the funds for purchase of this property through missionary supporters. 

” There were many days of prayer, and sleepless nights, as we waited for the funding to come through.  (Keep in mind that instantaneous communications like, Email, Facebook, WhatsApp, were non-existent, and 
telecommunications were very unreliable and prohibitively expensive!)  We signed a 90 day contract and made the 10%
down-payment, and prayed!  The two American churches upon which we pinned our hopes for the 90% balance, only
managed to send about 3%!  Days passed, and we continued praying.  At the 11th hour, two local churches in the USA  sent large and totally unexpected offerings which amounted to exactly what was needed!  We had never communicated with these churches in the past!  It was indeed a true miracle of God!!”

The new property had a sports field and a meeting hall, which was used for Saturdays Youth Meetings as well as Sunday

About that time Pastor Benjamin Rono invited the local “Home” Football Club team to use MKBC’s new sports field for practice sessions.  One of the players, a young high schooler by the name Onesimus Kibera, began attending the youth meetings which Russ Daniels had started.  The following is Pastor Kibera’s (the current lead pastor at MKBC) account of what happened next:

Out of curiosity I joined what seemed to a be an upper class meeting of youth for this area, I was a young man from Majengo – but I was very interested and fascinated – this was very attractive to me, in how Russ Daniel would
read Old Testament passages and connect these with the new testament – ”scripture was interpreting scripture. ”
There were some good films too. It was through Pastor Russ Daniels preaching and teaching in the youth
meetings that lead me to see my need of a Saviour. ‘Faith comes by hearing and hearing from the Word of God.’
When Russ left, Suji Omeno was very helpful to me, and others, in training us to apply lessons we had learnt, and to pass them on to others as well. When Suji left, I took a bit of responsibility in the youth ministry.

In April of 1984, the Cleveland Baptist Church , USA, sent a team of 7 men, and the funding to build new church building!  The new facility was dedicated in September 1984, the same month which our son, Russ, went off to Baptist Bible
College.  Russ finished his course in Bible and Missions, found a good wife, and returned in 1990 to serve a one year
internship with MKBC, during which time he started a new church in the Kwahuku settlement near Nanyuki town — The Grace Bible Baptist Church of Kwahuku has grown to be a big strong church  today.

In 1986, Chuck Madaus made a Survey trip to Kenya and shortly thereafter, moved his family to Nanyuki to assist in the various ministries of the Church, School, Bible Institute and new church planting.  For over 10 years, Pastor Chuck Madaus was a tremendous asset to these various ministries of what would eventually become the Mt. Kenya Bible Baptist Fellowship.  He served as Senior Pastor of MKBC for 2 critical years (‘96 & ‘97), during which time, two other pastors were ordained: Pastors Onesimus Kibera and Wilson Nderitu.

”I need to pause here and mention that these two men of God continue to make a lasting impact on God’s work in the ministries of the Mt. Kenya Bible Baptist Fellowship right up to the present time:  Pastor Wilson Nderitu served the MKBC faithfully until he founded the aforementioned sister church.  Pastor Nderitu has a unique gift of Bible teaching,
and was a key teacher in the Mt. Kenya Baptist Bible College until suffering a stroke, which, unfortunately, forced him to give up this valuable teaching ministry.  We pray that his health will continue to improve, and that someday, God will reopen that door.  Meanwhile Onesimus Kibera went on to serve the Mt. Kenya Baptist School in virtually every job description, from clerk, bus driver, teacher and eventually Headteacher, while at the same time, serving
faithfully as Assistant Pastor of MKBC. In 2004, Pastor Kibera resigned from the School, and became full-time, Lead Pastor of MKBC — a tremendous step of faith, since this move involved a significant reduction in salary!”

Over the years, in the late-1980s, into the early-1990s, God blessed the Mt. Kenya Baptist Church with several other missionary families who left their mark upon the Mt. Kenya Baptist Church, and it’s mission
outreaches, as well as the Bible College, and School.  MKBC was very privileged to have dedicated missionary
families serving here for various periods of 2 to 8 years:  David & Bonnie Jones, John & Julie
Kirkland, Vernon & Mary Smith, and Keith & Karen Hainline, and the aforementioned Chuck & Kim Madaus who all partnered with, and made a lasting impact on the Mt. Kenya Baptist Church, the MK Baptist School, the Bible
College, youth ministries, and evangelistic and church planting outreaches.

In God’s providence, about 10 years ago, another family joined the Mt. Kenya ministries:  Andrew
& Abby Lettsome.  Both have been a great help in the School ministry. Pastor Andrew is a valuable member of
the Pastoral team of MKBC, as well as teaching in the Bible College, the youth and coordinating many new church planting initiatives in Northern Kenya.

”MKBC has been so blessed to have these many other missionaries, as well as Kenyan brethren working together for God’s glory over the years.  They all have left a clear and lasting influence, helping make MKBC what it is today, 40 years after it’s humble beginning at the Garrison Primary School.”


May all praise be to our Mighty and Gracious God, who uses the extremely talented, as well as very weak and flawed servants, to produce amazing ministries for His glory through his abundant grace.


Ephesians 4:1-6

”1I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, 2with all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love, 3endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. 4There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; 5one Lord, one faith, one baptism; 6one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.”

Having received the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior and having professed our faith by the act of Scriptural Baptism, we do, in the presence of God, angels, and this assembly, enter into this covenant with one another as one body in Christ.

We promise to walk together in Christian love, to work for the advancement of this church in knowledge and holiness; to sustain its ordinances, discipline, and doctrine; to contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministry and expenses of the church.

We also promise to maintain family and personal devotions; to educate our children in our Faith; to show others the way of salvation; to beware of the temptations of the world; to be honest and fair in all that we do; to avoid gossip and unscriptural anger; and to avoid selling or using intoxicating drinks as a beverage.

We further promise to pray for each other; to help each other in times of sickness or distress; to be slow to take offense, but quick to seek reconciliation, according to the commands of our Savior, Jesus Christ of Nazareth

Also, we promise that when we leave this place, we will seek to unite with another church where we can perform this covenant and the other commands of the Bible.