Youth Fellowship

The Youth  fellowship started in 2018.The fellowship met every Sunday from 8am to 9 am. The biggest challenge was the set time which was too early henced lacked quorum. The fellowship was pushed to 11 am to 1 2;30 pm every Sunday. Initially, the fellowship had an average of about 8 people per session but  numbers shot up.

”We have covered various books such as The Book of James, a book on sexual purity and the Life of  Joseph.”

Besides just going through books and discussing life issues affecting youths, the fellowship is a social group where we engage is fun activities such as hiking  together  with  the  teens, out  of  church discussions  on essential  topics  that  affect  the youth, teen camps and not forgetting goat eating sessions. This is in bid to create a rapport amongst the youth.

  Why are we doing this you may ask? Well, we try to get the youth to know God and have a personal relationship   with Him enough. ”Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the days of adversity come and the years approach of which you will say, “I find no pleasure in them,”  before the light of the sun, moon, and stars is darkened, and the clouds return after the rain. Ecclesiastes 12:1-2”

It is better for one to find God early in his or her life. The youth are our next leaders and a society  is  known  through  the youth.  We need  God  fearing tomorrow leaders who have God’s wisdom and are led by the Holy Spirit. The current youth leader  is  Sam Wambugu. 

”We encourage anyone who wills to share something with the youths to come forward and help grow this fellowship.”

Simply Do good

Simply Do Good is a movement geared towards a culture of generosity through acts of kindness and  social  impact while encouraging others to do the same. 

”Small acts of kindness, when multiplied by millions of people, can  transform  the  world”. Howard Zinn.

We are a group of young Kenyans who believe in our country and each other. We believe that by taking  responsibility for problems  around  us  we  can alleviate the suffering of others, build the human spirit and bring people together. We invite you to join us in improving Kenya in little ways that have big impact as we Simply Do Good.


The  group  is  made  up  of teenagers who are between 13 to 19 years. Basically the group has senior primary students and high school students . This is a vibrant group  that  meet  every  Sunday from 11am to 12.30pm under the guidance of mentors comprising of a ten-member team that is rotational. The group is currently  studying an Awana Junior varsity guide (The Sprint) with a series on our relationship with  God  as  Christian.  If you have   a   teenager,   they   are welcomed to the group